All-Inclusive Resorts FAQ
- What is an all-inclusive resort? A resort that includes all meals and beverages during the length of your stay. Beverages, typically include all non-alcoholic and alcoholic options. What is considered top-shelf alcohol is determined by the resort and typically is available for an extra cost. Specialty dinner or upgraded options may be available for an additional cost. Nonetheless, the meals are included.
- How are all-inclusive resort stays priced? These type of resorts are priced per person per night. Which means that the prices you see on websites typically list the the price per person per night. All-inclusive resorts are NOT like standard hotel rooms, where you book a room and everyone stays for one per room night price. This means that kids are priced per night per day as well unless a promotion notes that kids stay free.
- I am in the U.S. and want to travel to an all-inclusive resort in the U.S. or it’s territories like the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hawaii or Guam. Is there one? We get this question so much due to no passport for U.S. Citizens being required. There are few to no options for all inclusive resorts in the U.S. or its territories. Since the pandemic what options existed in the U.S. Virgin Islands are gone or they offer an European plan which means you get breakfast or can pay to upgrade per person per night for meals at some resorts. Otherwise, no. Also, resorts within the U.S. and it’s territories are not modern and may show signs of wear and tear. This can be typical for other island destinations as well but they just aren’t kept up as well with U.S. territories. Keep in mind that food, etc. are imported from the U.S. thus more to the cost. Some of those family owned resorts that were all-inclusive have been bought out. You typically will need to pay for a cab or rent a car. Hawaii and Puerto Rico offer the same as stated. So if you want an all-inclusive experience, I highly suggest you take a look at Airbnb or VRBO websites to rent a staffed villa or apartment for those destinations. There are some new all-inclusive resorts that opened in Key West and in the mountains in the U.S.
People have found that for the amount they are paying for those places, they might as well fly to another destination. - What are the all-inclusive destinations that have more options available? Before stating those destinations, we understand that people see commercials, video or pictures of couples in a tub looking off into the cliffs or beach view. Some of the other islands only offer less than a few resorts if that. One all-inclusive resort chain that has popularized this is Sandals. Note that it is adult only. They do have Breezes too but look how limited the locations are on some of the less traveled to islands. That said, the main islands in order price is:
- Mexico
- Dominican Republic (DR)
- Jamaica
The DR and Jamaica are neck and neck these days as it relates to prices. The pandemic evened the playing field. Costa Rica does have some but the may not be as modern as someone may like. Aruba has some as well but they are more costly. Barbados, Turks & Caicos have a couple, mostly for adults and adult couples. Other than that, you are looking at staying at the places I listed. The destinations listed require a passport for all those traveling that are not from those countries.